M-RAMEGBSTR01 Method gel booster - Jahoda (100ml)
M-RAMEGBSCV01 Method gel booster - Scopex / Vanilka (100ml)
M-RAMEGBMON01 Method gel booster - Monster crab (100ml)
M-RAMEGBSWC01 Method gel booster - Sladká kukuřice (100ml)
M-RAMEGBSTI01 Method gel booster - Stinky (100ml)
M-RAFSSWE Rapid Fluoro Smoke - Sweet (100ml)
M-RAFSSTI Rapid Fluoro Smoke - Stinky (100ml)
M-RAPATNMON02 Tygří ořech - Monster 250ml
M-RAPATNCHI02 Tygří ořech - Chilli 250ml
M-RAPATNSWE02 Tygří ořech - Sweet 250ml
M-RAPATNJUB02 Tygří ořech - Jumbo BLACK 250ml
M-RAMEEPSCV015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Scopex / Vanilka (150ml)
M-RAMEEPSTR015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Jahoda (150ml)
M-RAMEEPHON015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Med (150ml)
M-RAMEEPSWC015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Sladká kukuřice (150ml)
M-RAMEEPGAR015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Česnek (150ml)
M-RAMEEPANI015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Anýz (150ml)
M-RAMEEPKRI015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Krill (150ml)
M-RAMEEPWOR015 Soft Extruded Pellets - Červ (150ml)
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06-04-2024 - Soft Extruded Pellets - Extremely effective and easy-to-use bait for carp fishing. These soft pellets are ideal for finer feeder fishing, method feeder fishing and for float fishing. They are durable, have a stable consistency and do not lose their effectiveness. Their great advantage is easy and quick baiting using various methods. They can be rigged directly on the hook, but the more common option is to use special assemblies with hair assemblies with a barb, etc. These baits are available in several very attractive flavours, designed on the basis of years of experience and after careful testing by our team of experts. Method Gel Booster (100ml) - These universal liquid boosters are an easy and effective way to increase success in carp fishing. They increase the attractiveness of boilies, pellets, method mixes and other baits, including PVA mixtures, which do not dissolve due to their composition. This gel sinks to the bottom of the water column. After applying directly to the bait or lure and throwing it into the water, there is an immediate and very significant spread of the taste signal. Around the bait and it's immediate vicinity on the bottom, a visible color haze will begin to form. This greatly increases your chances of attracting fish and landing a bite. However, the gel dissolves gradually and therefore lasts on the bait for a long time. Method gel boosters can be used without risk in any amount that you can adjust according to the type of bait and your individual preferences and fishing conditions.